Friday, April 22, 2011

Install .ipa to jailbreaked iOS iPhone

1. Jailbreak iPhone
2. Add as Source in Cydia
3. Install AppSync
4. Open iTunes
5. Drag .ipa file to iTunes Apps
6. Attach iPhone to PC
7. Drag .ipa to iPhone device in iTunes

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Jailbreaked iPhone no longer continue during boot

1. Go to DFU Mode (POWER.. POWER+HOME .. HOME)

2. Restore from iTunes (OPTION + CLICK + Restore) using Custom ipsw

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Steam.exe (main exception): CMultiFieldBlob(pserialized): Bad field - extends past end of blob

Option 1: (Official)

Option 2: (Unofficial)
Exit Steam
Navigate to your Steam installation directory. (C:\Program Files\Steam\ by default.)
Delete ClientRegistry.blob

Friday, April 8, 2011

Removing SMSDaemon on Mac


launchctl list | grep SMSDaemon

5921 - com.micromat.SMSDaemon

launchctl remove com.micromat.SMSDaemon

rm ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.micromat.SMSDaemon.plist
rm ~/Library/Application Support/Syphone